The Paw & ​​Feather Pl​an Inc.
Although The Paw and Feather Plan's 'birth date' was in October 2018, the idea of providing this service came to me circa 2013.
-Then I was working as an Adoption Coordinator for Miami Dade Animal Services.
It wasn't uncommon to see pets surrendered to the shelter following an owner's death.
This was heartbreaking, and is still rather common.
So I thought, "People need to include pets in their life and death plans!
And they need someone trustworthy, reliable and safe to take over pet care at a moment's notice."
PAFP takes pets into the home with love. And we have a network of amazing foster families in case we have another foster pet here at your pet's time of need. With a paw, feather or hoof plan in place, your pet will NEVER end up: abandoned, in a cage, waiting, scared and/or alone.
Pets in our care are part of our family!
I'm adept at, and truly enjoy, finding the perfect home for pets.
I've been fostering cats and dogs since 2006, and have some contacts from as far back as 2010 that adopted foster pets from me!